April 18, 2008

The Surgery was a Success!

My ACL was not blown, and so that is good news. My surgeon was really good and he seems positive on my recovery. I'll need to be on crutches for 8 weeks. After the first 10 days, I"ll get a soft cast that will allow me to bend my knee. But these first 10 days, not only will I have a straight immobilizer, but I have to give myself shots in the stomach as a blood thinner to prevent blood clots. I'm also supposed to do ankle twists as often as I can to keep the blood flowing. Malorie is concerned about blood clots, so she'll be glad I'm working on that.

Here are some pictures of the xrays during the surgery. I ended up with one plate and all those screws. I don't know if I'll set off metal detectors, but I'll have to check this out.

Right now, I'm pretty loopy from drugs, so good luck trying to make sense of anything I'm doing. Needless to say, I'm not driving (because of the narcotics) and because my leg won't fit in the front seat. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.


kenzie said...

shots in a the stomach! how awful! I don't think I could do that. good thing you have the best nurse in the world looking after you! I miss mom when I am sick.

Bonnie said...

Ooh, is it Lovenox? Those injections really sting! Ice for a few minutes before and after, or ouch!

karen said...

I think you have Grant beat on the length of screws on your hardware. His doctor told him they won't set off metal detectors and Grant was disappointed when we went to Orlando and they didn't go off at security. I imagine you will be a little uncomfortable for the next few days. Let us know when you are up for visitors. Karen