April 2, 2008

Redemption Judged!

Today, I had an argument in front of the Idaho Supreme Court. This was a case that had already been to supreme court once before. I split my time with co-counsel, and this time, I went FIRST. I may be a fool, but not foolish. It was in Pocatello. The Court travels. I must be jinxed, because the last 5 times I have argued in the supreme court, I have NOT been in their courthouse in Boise. I've been in Idaho Falls and Pocatello. We were scheduled for this case to be in Boise last month, but then an attorney who had a hearing last fall had a heart attack the morning he was scheduled to appear, so they had to postpone his hearing. Since that case was older than ours, it got the March date, and we got moved to Pocatello. I thought about having a heart attack so we could move back to Boise, but decided that was too extreme. Lorrie and I then traveled to Utah for skiing, dutch oven extravaganza with the kids and family, General Conference, and food, food and food. Did I mention, food?

On the way from Pocatello to Utah, we stopped by the Peppridge Farms plant, just outside of Franklin. They have a thrift store with "seconds" including cookies and gold fish. Lorrie was hoping for mint milanos, but they are making those this week on Monday and Friday. So, today they only had Orange Milanos, but that was good enough. We bought a bag of those and a bag of Brussels (hard cookies covering dark chocolate). They sell these by the pound. They are good, and we'll share them. At least drving through Preston and Logan was more scenic than Sagebrush Freeway.

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