December 20, 2008

Christmas Quilt

This is a photo of the Christmas Quilt I finished in November. It was designed by my friend and neighbor, Carol, who is also a member of my quilting group. Several of us made the quilt, and, as always, it's fun to see the individual interpretation of the blocks making up the quilt. Mine is made up entirely of green and red scraps, none of them "Christmas" fabrics. (and for you Old Town Pewter fans, that is my soup tureen doing double duty as a pot for my poinsettia!)
There are five different trees, and these are two of my favorites.
This is a paper-pieced quilt (VERY small pieces of fabric!), and worth every stitch in the fabric! This quilt is currently gracing my front hallway, and bring Christmas cheer to me every time I come up the stairs or in the door! Merry Christmas to you!
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George and Caralee said...

Lorrie, that is BEAUTIFUL!! Quilting is something I haven't tried. But that is inspiring!! Have a Merry Christmas to you and your's!

Lesley said...

My whole family looked at this the day you posted it and we thought it was AMAZING! I'm so glad you posted it... though it makes my head spin to think of how much time it would have taken you.

Happy New Year!