December 1, 2008

1st Annual Naylor Turkey Trot--2008

On Thanksgiving Day, around 9:30 AM, we had our first annual Naylor Family Turkey Trot. Our motto: "We don't walk!" Jake, Lindsay, Malorie and Jon all run, (so do Tyler and Kenzie, but they were in Virginia!) and I started running in September. I'm obviously the weak link. Our goal--run three miles without stopping to walk. I would have stopped to walk several times, but my kids faithfully stayed by my side, and wouldn't let me! I did it! Thanks to Grandpa Naylor for staying home with Reese!

I went running again this morning, alone. It's nice running in cold weather. It was great UNTIL about half a mile into the run, I missed a curb and went down. I skinned my knee, made a hole in my sweats, and walked a few steps so I could ascertain my injuries, which were minimal. A little blood and a hole, and my hands stung a little, but broke my fall. Thankfully, the sun hadn't quite come up, so no one saw me fall. THEN, about a half mile from home, on the little path leading from Rose Creek to Charleston Place, I came across a very big black lab, with no owner in sight. He stood still and stared at me. I again slowed to a walk (so he wouldn't chase me down), and didn't make eye contact, and started running again once I was off the path. I didn't look back, I hope he was gone. What should I have done? I made it home, showed my skinned knee and hole and whined about the dog a little to Kirt, who showed appropriate sympathy. The sunrise this morning made it all worth it, though.
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linds said...

Oh that's so sad that you fell! I needed you today so that we could go running. I hope you're okay. Way to get away safely from the dog. I hate when that happens. I always freeze and wait for them to leave.

kenzie said...

looks like you had a ton of fun! Mal kinda looks like a boy in the pic, I was laughing so hard!

Sijbrich said...

The bestest trick with malicious dogs is this - if they ever start heading toward you with questionable intent, bend over like you're going to pick up a rock to throw at it, even if there's no rock in sight. It has worked for me every time. They always start running before I can even pretend to throw the rock at them.
It's a very useful thing I learned from the mission and from hanging out in 3rd world countries where rabie-infested dogs reside.:-)