September 21, 2008


After the voting . . . the truth is revealed:

Kirt did the top Fingerpaint (with the smiley face) and Lorrie did the bottom one.

The smiley face was a last minute addition. I did a round swirl and someone said it looked like a pumpkin, so I put the face on it for a jack-0-lantern. Otherwise, we might have had you all hooked into the confusion.

We both did our paintins in about 2 minutes. Natural art is so much more real.

So, there you have it.

But you can all say that both paintings were good!


linds said...

We never noticed the smiley face or that would've been a dead give away! Whoops! Reese missed her grandparents this weekend. It sure doesn't help that she has a nasty cold. She's got a bad cough that won't let her sleep and too much snot. It's so sad!

erin said...

I totally won!