September 17, 2008

Farmer's Market

I've been to Farmer's Markets in Boise, San Diego, McCall and Boise this summer, but nothing compares to the one where I got these beauties: my own little farmer's market in my own little back yard. Okay, I'm not even going to be modest about this. It's AMAZING! (to me, anyway.) Zinnias, pumpkins, zucchini, acorn squash, green beans, green peppers, tomatoes--big, medium and small, Walla Walla sweet onions, cucumber, and just starting, red grapes. And this doesn't include the pesto made with my own basil, roses, peonies from early summer, and the sunflowers. Gardening is the good life!
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1 comment:

Malorie said...

So beautiful! I wish I had my own, or that I could eat all the stuff from your garden.