May 8, 2010

Last Day With R

Okay, we're a little late with this blog--it happened April 14! This was my last day with little R. We ran some errands, (R helped me pick out colors for a sewing project), then we went to the Pawwwrk. Here she is in the swing. Funny, last summer she wouldn't even consider swinging, now she loves it. But she's very particular about the swing she's in. Her mom mentioned that in her blog as well. She'll just point and say "That swing!" In our neighborhood park, it's the south swing. The north swing will NOT do!

In this picture, we're actually in the north swing, because someone was in the south swing. The minute that swing became vacant, she wanted to change.

Coming down the slide...

You think she's going to go down the slide, but she mostly just hung there, and swung a little, then would run over the walkway to the big slide, then run back and hang out some more!

R and A

When R wants to go down the slide, she also climbs up it to get to the top. Not a problem for me, as long as no one is trying to come down!

Almost to the top!

Here she is in the little crawly tunnel. You think Ga would have done a better job of getting the dead leaves out of there first!

She's pretty good at climbing, too.

After her nap, we went out to the back yard to play a little. She loves the shed. Come to think of it, most kids do.

She loves to run...

...and run...

...and run...

...and run! We had such a good time!


Kristi said...

That was one, fun, week for Miss Reese. She was sure doted on, loved, spoiled, adored, you name it! Ga and Pa are the BEST!

Mark and Kris said...

How cute! I am sure she had a blast. I know you can't wait until she comes back again! You gotta love it!