June 1, 2009

June 1st Garden

It's June 1st, and the garden is doing great! Here's a little tour...these are butternut squash.
Here's the zucchini. Kirt planted them. He put 8 seeds in one hill, of course, they all came up. He wouldn't let me get rid of any. Unbelievably, we have another hill, with another four plants. Let me know if you need any zucchini this summer. I'll have plenty.

This (from left to right) is garlic, planted last fall, spinach, what's left of the radishes, Walla Walla sweet onions, leeks (something new this year, you can hardly see them, though!) and finally, beets.

Here's my flowerpot. Charming!

Here's my side garden, where seven of my tomatoes are--I have 2 Health Kick, 1 Amish Paste Tomato, 2 Super Fantastic, and 2 Celebrity tomato plants. Most already have blossoms on them. They were planted the end of March in walls of water. You're not seeing the Victoria Grape tomato in the other garden...

Here's my newest addition to the garden--raspberries! (Thanks, Kristie!) There's one other plant that didn't fit into the picture. Kirt love me lots, he put four posts in to build a barrier, into our hard clay soil. He doesn't even like raspberries, but he knows I do.

Cucumber is looking awesome. It needs to be trained onto a cage though, so my cukes will grow long and straight.
That's it for now. We've been eating lettuce, spinach and radishes, and I can hardly wait for the rest. Yum!

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