June 17, 2010


My strawberry girl is in Wisconsin for a bit. Without her to eat the berry-berries, I have enough to make jam! This is the first time I've made jam from my own berries! And my new favorite pectin? Ball's instant fruit pectin! It has a 4 cups berries to 1 1/2 cups sugar ratio, which I really like, and it's seriously the easiest jam I've ever made. And it sets up with no problem!

Peonies! I have a friend that hates to cut hers for a bouquet, but I have no problem doing that. This is my second bouquet, in fact. BUT for M's sake, I will tell you that I have 4 plants, and all the blooms from this bouquet comes from one that is pretty much hidden behind Jake the Tree. They are lovely, aren't they?

Roses are next, and I never have a problem making a bouquet from them--the more you deadhead, the more you get!


kenzie said...

so awesome! The peonies here have come and gone. So sad. yours are so pretty. and your strawberries are so big!

Lesley said...

Those peonies are absolutely gorgeous. I'm glad you enjoy them in your home- you should! I would too if I had my own garden :)