April 10, 2010

Pa's Report: Day Two

Today, we played at home, read books, Pa "swing me" and did the somersault to my shoulders trick. Pa threw her on the love sack. Then, she wanted to play Foosball, but couldn't see over the side.

Then we walked to the park in the red wagon that Great Grandpa Naylor gave her. She loves her wagon.

And I like it better than the tiny umbrella stroller wheels. We stopped by our good friends the McBrides, and after a moment of shyness she rattled off all their names and said good-bye.

Then off to the park where she wanted to swing for no less than 15 minutes straight. Then off to the big blue slide, and the stairs "all by myself."

Home for a long, long nap (and Pa took a short one after mowing the lawn). Now it's time for Pa's spaghetti and more fun tonight. She misses everyone!

So far, no injuries. . . :)

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