August 23, 2009

Sunday Dinner

This is today's dinner! Looks good, doesn't it? It's mostly from my garden! Steamed Comstock green beans, Juliet grape tomatoes, bow tie pasta (okay, not from my garden), parmesean chicken (the sauce is from my garden, the chicken and mozzarella cheese are not), and zucchini! It was definitely delectable.

For the sauce, I just started tossing whatever was in my garden in a pot--tomatoes, a couple of onions, a shredded zucchini, a shredded carrot, fresh basil, oregano, chives, and parsley. I let that simmer all day without a lid, to reduce it to a wonderful chunky sauce.

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1 comment:

Kristi said...

I didn't know you guys had a blog. I also didn't know you were having such a DEEElicious dinner, or we might have been the ones visiting you guys tonight! I ate half the bag of tomatoes you so generously gave. Robert was disgusted. I was in heaven. Menu for dinner at the McBride household tomorrow....the goods from your garden. Thanks for sharing. I'm lovin' it! I best be getting to bed. I'll be pounding the streets at 7. Hope to see ya on the road!