August 9, 2009

August Garden

It's August--time for a garden update...The zinnia are amazing!
I love gathering bouquets of these gorgeous flowers.

Walla Walla sweet onions...

Jalepeno peppers...

Green peppers...

Zucchini! We were gone for a week, and when we came back, we gathered several arm-sized zucchinis! Fortunately, we have a friend who really likes the big ones!

Victoria grape tomatoes--there were more ripe ones, but they got picked yesterday.

Candace red grapes are starting to turn...

Beans are interesting right now. I've picked a ton, and pretty much finished my canning for the year. Right now, they're in a regenerating period, so I'll have more soon...I hope!

Amish paste tomatoes. I'm canning tomorrow.

Super-Fantastic tomatoes. They are super fantastic!

Raspberry bramble--you can see where I just picked one that little R promptly ate! More are on the way!
All in all, it's been a great gardening year, and August is always great, since it cools down a little. See you next month for another update!

1 comment:

Mark and Kris said...

It looks like you had a great harvest so far. Good work. I know it isn't easy and as busy as you are! I would love to go huckleberry picking with you sometime. that looks so fun. Hope your raspberries do well. My beans look very shocked right now also. Hmmmm. talk to you soon sis.