May 11, 2008


Jake, Lindsay and REESE (the Grand, Granddaughter) have returned to the homestead. Jake finished his first year in law school, and has an internship in Boise with a district judge. Shortly, Malorie and Jonathan will move in while they await the big move to Portland to start dental school. So, while we have been empty nesters, we joyfully and willingly give up that title for a time while we enjoy adult slave laborers and spoiling our Reese. Seriously, we enjoy our kids and we'll have a blast. Mackenzie is off to NYC for an internship with Martha Stewart Living! and Tyler will be in Buffalo to work again with ADD/ADHD kids. They will be 5 hours apart for a couple of months.

Jonathan and Tyler graduated from BYU, and we are very proud of them.

Malorie confessed on her blog about her unintended exposure to the world of Star Trek and Star Wars. However, I believe she truly accepted the allegorical learning and parables presented by those scientific genres. As I crutch around with a "narly" brace on my leg that has a dial to control how much ROM I have, it reminds me of the Borg: part man, part machine.

Well, we're in for a great Summer.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Robocop could be used as another example.