August 14, 2011

Noah Turns One!

The Big Blue-Eyed Birthday Boy

Pa, what are you doing?

I'm so excited!

Ga, you tell funny jokes!

I know I need to open my present, but there is an airplane.

Why can't I eat chocolate cake with my hands everyday?

I love to swim!

Kicking is the key to good swimming technique.

Great Grandpa, you have big blue eyes like me.

July 2, 2011

summer fun...

Our week of fun started when Mal, Jon, and Theo arrived. Theo was happy to see us, and let us hold him right away!
Theo's birthday was June 21st, but we had another little party for him on June 26th here in Boise.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday found us in Utah for Cousin Stef's wedding. We made a quick trip to Provo/BYU relive past wonderful memories and start showing grandkids where they would be going to college in about 15 years! Reese is ready!
Here's Lindsay, Lorrie, Jake (and Noah), Mal and Theo on one of the quads. Kirt is taking the photo, and Jon is off visiting! Summer is great at BYU, there's not a ton of students around. I doubt we could have gotten either of these shots in fall or winter!

Great shot of Reese at the "Tree of Learning" sculpture.

Reese and Ga check out the big stone ball of "unknown origin" right outside the JSB. We had another funny incident in the Museum of Art (MOA) at the "Matter of Words" exhibit, an exhibit all about the written word. I was looking at a modern art display which consisted of millions of little pasta alphabet letters spray painted black, then just put onto the floor of a little alcove, all nicely raked flat and in a straight little line at the front edge of the display. A foot in front of the display was a line on the floor and the words "Do Not Cross". I heard footsteps behind me, and turned around just in time to see Reese running full speed for me. I put my hands out to swoop her up, but not in time--she crossed the line, and slid right into the pasta! I glanced quickly around for MOA security (we had already gotten into trouble once for taking photos inside the museum, which is forbidden, and seeing none, I pulled Reese up, brushed all the pasta off her pants, and tried my best to smooth and straighten the line. I was not fast enough. A security guard approached me, and asked what happened. I told him, apologizing over and over. He just nodded, then said, "It's not the first time, I'll get someone to come fix it." Yikes! Crisis averted. We also went downstairs to the African-American Quilters from Alabama display, only to find it closed, being readied for opening the next day. The curator noticed us peering around the corner, and asked if we were quilt enthusiasts. We assured him we were, and he told the workers to take a little break, invited us in and gave a private tour of the exhibit, which was amazing and inspiring!

No trip to Provo is complete without a trip to the Brick Oven, our favorite place for pizza. We also had to visit the Creamery for ice cream. Theo is enjoying some root beer.

The handsome Wagner boys at the wedding Wednesday evening. They are second cousins my kids' kids.
Cousins Noah and Theo
Cousins Kallie, Reese and Ella. These darling girls are all three years old. Kallie and Ella are 1st cousins, Reese is a second cousin to them.
Cousins Theo (with Jon), Ethan (with Jake M.), Jones (with Kyle) and Noah (with Jake N.) Theo and Ethan are one, with Jones and Noah having their first birthday within a month. Theo and Noah are 1st cousins, Ethan and Jones are 1st cousins, Theo and Noah are second cousins to Ethan and Jones. It can get confusing!

This amusing photo shows Ga and Pa trying to get all our grandkids ready for a family shot. Theo is more interested in the rope holding the swing, Noah has just suceeded in grabbing the bow out of Reese's hair. Ga is trying her best to pry the bow out of Noah's little fingers!

Doesn't get much better than this!

At my brother Steve's home the next day--Reese and Ella help each other on the swing.

Theo is having a great time!

Nanalee (Janalee) and Jones with Ga (Lorrie) and Noah
Happy cousins Jones, Kallie, Ethan, Ella, Reese, Noah, and Theo. I don't think we'll get a better shot of seven kids.

It was a wonderful week!

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June 24, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Reese has a new "fort" like the ones we used to make as kids on Mom's clothesline with blankets. Noah is just a smiling thing, and he loves to play with your hair with his tiny fingers (even Pa's few hairs). Loving this grandparenting!

January 16, 2011

Fun with Ga!

The other night, Jake and Lindsay went to dinner for Lindsay's birthday. Noah was getting a little hungry, and Jake told me I could try some rice cereal. Sounded like fun to me, so I tried it out!

Noah wasn't quite sure if he liked it, but then he started slurping it up!

He likes it! And tonight, Lindsay tried it again, and he ate 2 ounces! Hooray for Noah!

It's been awhile

A lot has happened, and we've had some fun. Here are some photos of the latest:

Great Grandpa with Noah

Just as the tears flowed with the "Theo" book.

Reese and Mom with Mr. Snowman!